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Stoneham Soccer


Stoneham Soccer Club

Some Info Everyone Should Know...

Communications: We use email for all communications. Please log into your account to assure that all emails are correct. Please do not "Opt Out" of emails from our club, or else you will not receive important messages. 

Team Placement: Fall: Teams are drafted by coaches. Spring: Returning players who register on time will be placed back with the team they played with in the Fall (unless there is a request to be removed from that team). New Spring registrants will be placed based upon need/team size/equity. Late-returning registrants will be placed back on their previous team only if space remains after all regular registrants have been placed.

Start of the Season: In General, the Fall soccer season starts the first weekend after Labor Day, and the Spring season starts the first week of April.

Schedule: Town games will be held Sundays between 8 am and 3 pm. Teams schedules will be posted under "Town Schedules and Standings". Travel games are generally played on Saturday, and the schedule can be found under  "Travel Program and Schedules".

Uniform Information

  • Uniforms: See "For Parents" for current uniform requirements
  • Cleats: If your child wears cleats please make sure they're soccer cleats. To avoid injuries NO BASEBALL, FOOTBALL OR METAL CLEATS ARE ALLOWED. Please see "For Players" for more information on safety.
  • Shin pads are required  (which must be worn under socks).

Game Cancellations: We will post game cancellations (due to weather conditions) by 7:15 am on our homepage. We will also send an email to all families announcing game cancellations. Please see our policy on the right side of our homepage. 

Player, Parent, Coach and Referee Conduct: We take misconduct issues very seriously. Please read our reminders regarding conduct under the Parents, Players, Coaches and Referees links to the left. 

Safety is our number one priority. Please see the "Safety Reminders" link to the left for more information.

Volunteer Registration Process

Posted Aug 1, 2019

All Coaches and volunteers must register with Mass Youth Safe Soccer.  This has to be completed prior to season start.

We suggest printing the instructions found under "For Coaches"


Stoneham Soccer Club
P.O. Box 261  Stoneham Massachusetts 02180

Email: [email protected]
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