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Stoneham Soccer


Stoneham Soccer Club


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Stoneham Soccer Club, (hereinafter referred to as SSC). SSC is affiliated with US Youth Soccer, Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) and Middlesex Youth Soccer League (MYSL) and shall adhere to the basic precepts of the US Youth Soccer, MYSA and MYSL Constitutions.

Article II: Mission Statement

The mission of Stoneham Soccer Club (SSC) is to provide a soccer experience that offers recreational, social and physical development for children of all skill levels and ages.

Article III: Values

  • SSC shall always put the best interest of the player above all other interests
  • SSC shall consistently create a fun-filled, positive experience for every player in the program
  • SSC shall promote good sportsmanship, ethical and moral behavior, and mutual respect to the other players, coaches, parents and referees
  • SSC shall be committed to building players' self-esteem, confidence and overall character
  • SSC shall maintain a balanced perspective on winning and sportsmanship. As an organization, SSC will not put winning above all else

Article IV: Membership

The Membership of SSC shall consist of the Board of Directors, Coaches, Referees, Parents or Legal Guardians of registered players, and Registered Players.

Article V: Governance

SSC should be governed by a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as The Board) all of whom shall be elected by a two-thirds vote of the incumbent Board. Elections take place annually at the Board of Directors monthly meeting in May.

The Board shall consist of a minimum of 5 members comprised of the following:

Executive Board Officers

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Registrar
    • Travel Registrar
    • Town Registrar

Board of Director Members

  • Website Coordinator
  • CORI Coordinator
  • Town Age Group Coordinators
  • Field and Equipment Coordinator
  • Player/Coach Development Coordinator
  • Travel Coordinator
  • Referee Coordinator
  • Shed/Concession Coordinator
  • Special Projects/Events Coordinator
  • At-Large Members (may be assigned as sub-committee members to assist coordinators)

Board Members may have multiple roles within the Board of Directors, but will still maintain only one vote per person.

Section 2: Duties of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the association, its business meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.

The members of the Board are expected to be present at all regular meetings and special meetings of the Board. If any member is unable to attend a meeting, he/she shall inform the President and the Secretary of this inability prior to the meeting.

Section 3: Voting

All 5 Executive Board Officer Positions shall vote on the following:

  • Day-to-day operational issues (e.g. email blasts)
  • Expenditures outside the annual budget and less than $500
  • Hardship cases
  • CORI-related issues
  • Discipline issues with coaches or players

The Executive Board Officer Positions shall make every reasonable effort to include other relevant Board of Director Members as needed to determine best course of action. Any decisions made must be reported to the entire Board of Directors at the next monthly Board meeting.

The entire Board of Directors shall vote on the following:

  • Annual budget must be approved by the Board of Directors with a vote of 2/3 of its members by July of each year
  • Bylaw changes and/or any fundamental changes to the structure of the Board of Directors
  • Expenditures outside the annual budget and more than $500
  • Election of Executive Officers

Any items that require a vote need a quorum of 2/3 of the members of the Board of Directors. Each Board of Director shall have one vote with the President voting only to break a tie.

Section 4: Election & Term of the Officers of the Board of Directors

The Executive Officers of The Board of Directors shall be elected on even or odd years as follows:

  1. President odd
  2. Vice President even
  3. Secretary odd
  4. Travel Registrar even
  5. Treasurer odd
  6. Town Registrar odd

All Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the General Meeting in May, by a quorum of 2/3 of the Board of Directors. All Executive Board Officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years.

Section 5: Powers and Duties of Executive Officers

The President:

  • Shall preside at all general meetings and meetings of the Board.
  • Shall perform such duties as required by the Board of Directors.
  • Shall cast the deciding vote on any issue that results in a tie vote otherwise.

The Vice-President:

  • In the absence of the President, shall be vested with all the powers and perform the duties of the President.
  • Shall be responsible for all CORI procedures and processes.

The Secretary:

  • Shall be responsible for all communications, both internal and external, and shall keep the official records of SSC, including minutes of all meetings.

The Treasurer:

  • Shall receive, disburse, and account for all funds of SSC which shall be kept in a bank designated by the Officers.
  • Shall be authorized to sign checks and ensure timely payments.
  • Shall prepare an annual budget for Board approval and present an updated financial report at Board meetings.
  • Shall maintain bank accounts with appropriate signatures.

The Registrars:

  • Shall be responsible for registration of players and coaches.
  • Shall provide and manage team rosters for league commissioners.
  • Shall oversee the fall draft process.
  • Shall ensure the timely rostering of teams with the MYSL and MYSA in order to ensure insurance coverage for players, coaches and administrators.

Section 6: Term of Board of Directors

The term of any position on the Board of Directors is one year. An individual duly elected or appointed to any position on the Board of Directors for the first time is eligible to be duly elected to the Board of Directors in subsequent years.

Section 7: Vacancies

Vacancies on the Board of Directors or in any position shall be filled by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. Such appointees will serve the duration of the term of the individual being replaced.

Section 8: Removal from Board of Directors

Any member of the Board may be suspended or removed from office by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Meetings

  • The Board of Directors will meet once a month in the evening.
  • The Board of Directors will use the monthly meeting in May every year for the election of officers.
  • The Board of Directors will use the monthly meeting in July every year to approve the annual budget.
  • Three (3) Executive Board Officers are required at all meetings in order to conduct business.

Article VII: Fiscal year

The fiscal year of SSC shall be from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. At the end of each fiscal year, an audit will be conducted by an outside and independent party.

Article VIII: Bylaw Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors provided that the amendment has been presented in writing at the previous meeting.

Article IX: Bylaw effective date

These bylaws shall be in effect as of the 10th day of October, 2017.


Stoneham Soccer Club
P.O. Box 261  Stoneham Massachusetts 02180

Email: [email protected]
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