- Convenes and chairs all meetings of the General Membership and Executive Board.
- Establishes and serves as a member of all committees.
- Represents the Stoneham Soccer Club in all external business.
- Determines the need for special meetings of the Board and/or telephone votes to be taken by the Secretary.
Vice President
- Assumes duties of the President in his/her absence.
- Serves as a member of all committees.
- Prepares the Club Directory.
- Responsible for all required printing services (e.g. Club Directory, rosters, schedules, registration flyers, forms, banquet tickets, etc.).
- Manages the club bank accounts.
- Collects and disburses funds as operational necessity dictates.
- Prepares an annual operating budget.
- Prepares monthly income and expense reports and an annual summary report.
- Assists the Vice President with production of publications.
- Executes external correspondence of the Stoneham Soccer Club.
- Records minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors.
- Notifies Officers of Board Meetings and accepts excuses for those unable to attend.
- Obtains telephone votes at the direction of the President.
- Responsible for registration of players for spring and fall seasons.
- Compiles and maintains records of players and coaches.
- Assists Commissioners with preparation of schedules, rosters and draft lists.
- Assists Travel Team Coordinator with preparation of rosters.
- Responsible for providing coaches for each team fielded.
- Responsible for conducting player draft within their league.
- Responsible for distributing schedules and rosters within their league.
- Responsible for the issuing and collecting of equipment from coaches within their league.
- Insures that games start on time.
- Conducts coaches meetings when deemed necessary.
- Schedules make-up games within their league in the event of a postponement.
- Maintain weekly list of children who have missed games.
Travel Team Coordinators
- Responsible for schedules and rosters for all travel teams.
- Responsible for the issuing and collecting of equipment from coaches for all travel teams.
- Conducts coaches meetings when deemed necessary.
- Acts as liaison between MYSL and the Club.
- Attends all MYSL meetings and informs Club Officers of MYSL regulations and events.
- Responsible for coordinating travel teams selection and placement/movement process.
- Responsible for field scheduling for travel make-up games.
- Maintains the website for the club.
- Posts timely and accurate news to the website.
- Receives and handles disposition of all electronic-mail communications.
Equipment Manager
- Responsible for ordering and purchase of all equipment as approved by the board.
- Responsible for distributing equipment to League Commissioners.
- Responsible for all field equipment.
- Responsible for lining and maintaining fields.
Referee Coordinator
- Responsible for hiring and assigning referees.
- Responsible for scheduling referees for all regular and make-up games within the town leagues.
- Certifies number of games worked and approves payment for referees.
- Ensures referees are at the field 10 minutes before game time.
- Ensures referees start game clock on time whether coaches and teams are ready or not.
- Responsible for providing MYSA approved referees for all Fall travel team games and for the Under 10 travel team games in the Spring.
Uniform Coordinator & Awards
- Responsible for ordering and purchase of all travel team uniforms as approved by the board.
- Responsible for distributing new travel team uniforms to coaches.
- Responsible for ordering all awards
Player Development
- Responsible for coordinating player and coaches training.